Friday, June 6, 2008

Gas Tax increase-revisited

My latest post also appeared in the Waterbury Republican-American in a letter to the editor today. This is the same day the state announced it will not institute the increase of a half-percent on the gross receipts tax. The Governor said she will find the $25 million needed to cut to offset the costs. This is an admirable step but the state government needs to continue cuts.
In an election year, I'm not surprised that they finally saw the error of their ways.
The government needs a bottom up analysis of each departments goals and staffing levels. It would also help if they put out a report card of where the revenue comes from and where it goes with as much specifics as possible. Since 62% of the gas tax goes into the general fund, it is not being spent as originally designed, for transportation. So I get upset when I hear we need increases in a tax for transportation. If they spent the gas tax as intended, people would see a direct benefit from the tax. As it is now, they see 62% wasted.

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