Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Chris Dodd has done it again. First he is a cheerleader for Fannie and Freddie while taking campaign contributions. He continued boosting them right through last year. Then with the AIG bailout he puts in a clause that allows bonuses. Yesterday he denied he knew about it and today he admits it. He was also the receipient of the largest campaign contribution from AIG execs last year, $103,100. Have the voters had enough yet? Dodd is way overdue for retirement and since the state doesn't have a method to recall a Senator or Representative, and he probably will not resign, it will be up to the voters in 2010. I hope the voters see the light and get rid of this crook who took a sweetheart mortgage with Countrywide and has been the head of Senate Banking Commitee for the last two years and has done nothing to help the nation.{6D500286-5BDC-433B-A2EF-A9B3CE520ADE}&dist=msr_15
Sen. Dodd calls Fannie, Freddie 'fundamentally strong'
By Michael R. Crittenden
Last update: 3:11 p.m. EDT July 11, 2008
"This is not a time to be panicking about this. These are viable, strong institutions," Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., said at a Capitol Hill press conference.
The comments came as the two government-sponsored enterprises continued to be the focus of growing fears they could be insolvent or could face a capital crunch. Shares of Freddie Mac were recently down 10% following strong declines earlier this week, while Fannie Mae shares were down 24%.
"The economics are fine in these institutions and people need to know that," Dodd said. There's no reason "to talk about failure," he added.

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