Wednesday, April 9, 2008

CT Legislature's Ideas

In the last couple of weeks the Connecticut legislature has come up with some interesting ideas. The first was the package tax. No one seem to know how it works, what would be taxed, how it would be collected, or just how much it would bring in.

The other idea is the fine for idling a gas engine for greater the 3 minutes. The latest idea would move enforcement from DEP to the police. Just what our police need to be doing. I don't know if it also includes my lawnmower.

It really makes me wonder what our Democrat controlled legislature is thinking. Maybe they should be thinking of reducing the taxes on gasoline to make it affordable to travel. Or maybe they can think about reducing the budget so Connecticut can stop the flight of businesses. Maybe they can look into why the UCONN campus at Storrs has fire code violations.
Instead they look for more revenue which will be passed on to the consumer and more work for the local police to do. Just think of what they could think of if they were full time lawmakers.

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